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Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Struggle

Without words I could define "the struggle" Everyone hears it, feel it and see it! But who can really define it. "The struggle". Does anyone care what happens to a population overlooked and undertaken by the reaper of strive. Ziam The Delicate Writer

I am Love

I have been thinking about the desires of my heart lately. I think I know what I want know. I don't want to feel loved, but be love itself. Once I become this action I can stroll with it and put it in my atmosphere causing it to mix with others. If I am love as you are lord, peace and harmony will conjoin and play melodies of praise. Once I become this emotion I will be more willing, understanding and compassionate towards others and myself. Once I become this word it will become sacred and shared with ones who deserve and desire to hear it. Never misused or taken for granted. If I am treated this way and treat others the same, It will confirm that I am one of the many desires of my heart. I am Love! Ziam The Delicate Writer


I am standing in a field of delight Birds chirping and deer's gazing cautiously I look up and stare into multicolor blissfulness Suddenly a violent yet silent wind whirls passionately about Disturbing my paradise of tranquility I command peace to be still Awkwardly the birds stop singing and Deer's are as still as the moments to come I demand the wind to no longer flow And instantly I begin to lose consciousness to live The atmosphere that once was my great awakening Is now a battle field of turmoil I lie motionless in the green pastures fading into a sense of Hope and Restoration Serenity calls as I begin to drift away freely to her lullaby I dream of the realization of prosperity for the first time The blueprint stands transparent before me As I begin to build my empowerment Obstacles of misfortune now sits beyond my maze of defeat Joy and laughter of enemies and nay Sayers are no more It have been overrated for far to long to underestimate the I AM in me I AM the serenity that calls I AM my great awakening I AM the empowerment I AM my paradise and tranquility As I return to my field of delight I command the whirling wind to cease Amazingly the birds sing and deer's gaze cautiously in peace I demand the wind to flow freely and my spirit motions into a dance of grace I look up at my rainbow of bliss and the returning of being comforts me At that moment I realize that I AM REVIVED

Friday, June 25, 2010


Every battle is worth the fight and giving up should never be an option. Knowing when it's not your battle or that you don't have to fight alone will allow US to conquer them all. Ziam The Delicate Writer

Monday, June 21, 2010

Self Discovery

During self discovery you really getting to know who you are. Except and make changes that suite you, and apply them to your everyday living. In this moment in time I have learned that there is no more searching for me. I live with myself everyday knowing that my journey in life will systematically revise me in spirit. Acknowledging who you are, can be the problem, taking the time to explore yourself is the challenge, facing and loving yourself is powerful and humane. So search no more! You are who you are through many traits. Some maybe inherited while others are from product of your enviroment.Embrace it or erase it, you have evovled! You are you and can't anyone change that except you!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Dear South

I apreciate the struggle and regret it at the same time. No one struggle is harder than the next man. But surely they are different for every individual and their situation. I am proud to say that I am a down south southern bell. Although the bell around my neck goes unseen, my accent and southern way represent it very well. The chill mode we have is mostly respected. But part of it was beat into our ancestors down south. I say down south, because i am not ignorant to the fact that slavery was and still is active in other parts of the world. As our women were raped, children beat, and many men tricked into selfless worth, I could hear the masters growl like the monsters they were, " Keep your mouths closed and look the other way." Either that or lose your life! This method is still lived by today. But truthfully, if it isn't your business you have no business telling it. Especially it isn't harming anyone. I can only speak for where I'm from. I have no busines telling or hating on anyone else's business. So the things that I speak of is solely from my knowledge and research. That other part of chill mode comes on it's own, individually or from family teaching. Wow, who would've ever thought that the south would be on top of the world? Everybody saw us coming, so don't act shocked are surprised. We cadillac crusied right on up to the top. PATIENTS ARE GOLDEN! So lets embrace it. We couldn't be held down forever. Congratulations, men take a bow and wommen curtsy. Pat yourselfs on the back and never forget where you come from. But if you do forget, master is at the plant waiting by the lynching tree.(LOL) So don't get yourselves hung. But if it does happen don't blame nobody but yourself. The "plant" does'nt necessarily mean plantation. The "plant" could be jail, drugs, abuse, or anything that can name you as slave. This is just a little encouragement nothing to harsh. But i can talk to you harsh if thats what you're accustomed to. Just know that it's all in love. I don't beef, because thats not me. I'm just proud and saying it loud. It's the echoe that yawl keep hearing from me being on top representing the south. The people, food, church, hustle, realness, etc... I love it all! Sincerely expressed, Ziam The Delicate Writer